Remnants of the Forgotten [RF-SA]

Seekers of the Unseen [SU-SA]

CEOSamus ArkainTax rate0.070000000298023%
Alliance Seekers of the UnseenHeadquarters

Alliance history

Remnants of the ForgottenSeekers of the Unseen2010-05-31 14:532025-03-01 07:1414 years, 8 months, 28 days, 16 hours and 21 minutes
Hello!If you're reading this, you most likely want to know what this corporation is all about.My name is Samus Erin Arkain but most people just call me Sea for short.I am the CEO of this corporation and executor of the alliance.Since you want to know more about us, I think it makes the most sense to begin by explaining what we don't do.

We do NOT declare war on other corporations.

We do NOT harass, grief or bother other players.

We do NOT pirate, scam, deceive or steal from anyone.

We do NOT tolerate prejudice of any kind.

We do NOT give free handouts to people who have not proven themselves.

We do NOT take part in empire militia fights or null sec politics.

That being said, we are willing to do most other things.We always welcome newer players to the game, trying to help show them the ropes.If we end up not being a good fit for them, we don't have any hard feelings when they leave as long as they respect any classified information we shared with them along the way.We will even try to use our connections to find them an appropriate home in the world of New Eden.

If you have questions or need to contact someone about the corporation, recruitment or the alliance, you are welcome to contact me directly.I can be reached directly if I am around, or by mail otherwise.If the CSPA charge is an issue don't hesitate to inform me, and I will gladly refund it.I only have it there for people who do not have legitimate business or questions.Anyway, that's all for now.Thank you for taking interest in us, and please don't hesitate to contact me, no matter how new or old you are to New Eden, or no matter how trivial you may think the question is.

Executor & CEO,
Samus Erin Arkain.



~ Updated at: 2025-03-01 07:14:52 ~

~ Next update in: 44 minutes ~

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